Wednesday 22 February 2017

Google Camera v4.3

Google Camera v4.3 Update Brings Along Ability to Mute Sounds


The latest update to Google Camera app, version v4.3, has added a new feature that might bring relief to those who hate to hear the shutter sound when they click pictures. With the version v4.3 update, supported Nexus and Google Pixel users can turn off all the sounds within the search giant's camera app with a simple toggle button.
Users can now mute all sounds within the camera app, including the shutter sound on clicking pictures as well as the countdown beeps for timer, with a new 'Camera sounds' toggle that remains enabled by default, 9To5Google reports. Users can find the newly-added toggle under 'General' tab in settings.

Notably, the new functionality will only be available to recent Nexus devices and Pixel smartphones as Google stopped updating the app for other smartphones back in 2015 itself. The company has reportedly started rolling out the update, and it should be available via Google Play soon.
In December last year, the search giant added a toggle switch for grid lines, and a button for photo modes to its camera app. The update also enabled the app to load faster and switch between photo and video modes more quickly. Nexus 6, Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P users also received a new Auto-HDR+ mode for better quality shots in low-light areas with last year's update.

for more check out the link: http://gadgets.ndtv.com/apps/news/google-camera-v4-3-update-brings-along-ability-to-mute-sounds-1662409



Trump calls recent anti-Semitic incidents 'horrible'

Trump calls recent anti-Semitic incidents 'horrible'

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump said Tuesday the recent spate of threats targeting the Jewish community in the US are "horrible" and "painful" as he faced a growing chorus of calls from Democrats and Jewish leaders urging him to speak out.
Trump made the remarks following a tour of the National Museum of African American Museum and Culture, hours after Hillary Clinton tweeted that "everyone must speak out, starting (with) @POTUS," using Trump's official White House Twitter handle.
"This tour was a meaningful reminder of why we have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly forms. The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil," Trump said.
Trump also told MSNBC in an interview at the museum that "anti-Semitism is horrible and it's going to stop and it has to stop."
The remarks came a day after the JCC Association of North America reported that 54 Jewish community centers have faced 69 threats, including three waves of bomb threats, since January.
Trump previously failed to clearly address the rise in anti-Semitic incidents in the US last week when he was pressed on the issue during two news conferences. He instead focused on defending himself against personal charges of anti-Semitism and berated a Jewish reporter for asking him how his administration would work to combat anti-Semitism.
Earlier on Tuesday, Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-New York, questioned why Trump had not spoken out against anti-Semitic incidents in the US despite being pressed on the issue multiple times during recent news conferences.
Santorum: Anti-Semitic acts coming from Muslims

Santorum: Anti-Semitic acts coming from Muslims 01:49
"The question isn't why hasn't he spoken out more vociferously, the question is why hasn't he spoken out period? And why has he evaded two questions in his last two press conferences on this question?" Nadler said Tuesday on CNN's "New Day." "Maybe he doesn't want to denounce his own supporters because some of his own supporters are responsible for this."
Prominent white nationalists and neo-Nazi groups supported Trump during the election, and Trump's slow pace to refute that support had raised questions.
The White House issued a statement Monday denouncing recent anti-Semitic threats, saying "hatred and hate-motivated violence of any kind have no place in a country founded on the promise of individual freedom."
"The President has made it abundantly clear that these actions are unacceptable," White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said in the statement.
Trump's daughter, Ivanka, who converted to Judaism, also tweeted Monday evening that "we must protect our houses of worship & religious centers."
But pressed during two news conferences last week to address the rise in anti-Semitic incidents, Trump chose to focus on defending himself against personal charges of anti-Semitism, declaring himself the "least anti-Semitic person that you've ever seen in your entire life," rather than addressing threats against the Jewish community in the US.
Trump also berated a Jewish reporter for asking about how the government planned to address the rise in anti-Semitic incidents, telling him repeatedly to "sit down" and be "quiet," even though the reporter made clear he did not believe Trump himself was anti-Semitic.
The Anti-Defamation League has since called on Trump to speak out against the anti-Semitic incidents and explain how his administration will address the rise in threats.
Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice-chairman of the Conference of President of Major American Jewish Organizations, said Sunday in Jerusalme that "the president helps set the tone for a country."
"I'm hopeful that what he said about ... addressing hate and racism of all kinds in American society will be translated into clear action," Hoenlein said.


Trump's promises hit Washington

Trump's promises hit Washington reality in first month


Trump's first month: Sucess or failure? 02:20

Story highlights

  • The most unorthodox President of modern times is facing the most familiar of constraints
  • Trump's first month is especially noteworthy since so much of his trouble stems from self-inflicted wounds
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is facing a humbling prospect: The same Washington buzzsaw that frustrated his 44 predecessors can pose significant hurdles for him as well.
In his first month in office, Trump has found the vast government machine can't be reset at a president's whim with the same ease that an executive can manage a business. Rival power centers in the courts, the bureaucracy and Congress can emerge as a threat at any point.
In just the past week, political pressure forced Trump to fire his national security adviser and watch one of his Cabinet nominees withdraw from consideration. Meanwhile, Trump is facing persistent -- and growing -- questions about his campaign's ties to Russia as some fellow Republicans on Capitol Hill become more vocal about their concerns. And legislative victories are hard to come by as congressional Republicans struggle to unify behind policy measures and Democrats form a generally solid bloc of opposition.
The transition from candidate to president is tough for virtually every young administration. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, for instance, had rocky opening weeks as their campaign idealism encountered Washington reality. But Trump's first month in office is especially noteworthy since so much of his trouble stems from self-inflicted wounds ranging from the rushed rollout of his travel ban to his frequent Twitter distractions.
The sense of turmoil surrounding the new administration could undermine a central tenet of Trump's pitch to voters -- that he is a non-politician uniquely positioned to make a deal and get Washington working again.
"Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it," Trump said last summer when he accepted the GOP nomination in Cleveland. "I have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against our citizens."

Checks on presidential power

He started out in Washington by keeping faith with those beliefs, unleashing a dizzying sequence of executive orders that revealed a determination to wield firm executive power. But the backlash was swift as the checks on presidential power soon activated.
Trump quickly came up against the judiciary when a federal court halted his controversial executive order banning immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries. Despite GOP majorities in Congress, Trump isn't making much progress on his legislative agenda. Opposition is growing in the Senate to paying for his border wall now that Mexico has refused to fund it, CNN's Manu Raju has reported. Democrats infuriated the President by clogging up confirmation of Cabinet nominees.
"That's all they're doing is delaying. And you look at (Senate Democratic leader) Chuck Schumer and the mess that he's got over there, and they have nothing going. The only thing they can do is delay," Trump said during an extraordinary White House press conference last week.
Congress is not alone in provoking Trump's ire.
A leaky federal government and intelligence community with which he is locked in a perpetual state of war are also resisting Trump's attempts to exert control over his administration. White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus denied Sunday there was dysfunction in the President's inner circle.
"The truth is that we don't have problems in the West Wing," Priebus said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "The amount of drama and spin that you read about mostly in the Washington daily gossip rags is unbelievable stuff. And it just isn't true."

Getting out of Washington

Amid the negative headlines, Trump is getting out of Washington and aiming to speak directly to the American people. He delivered a speech Friday touting his jobs agenda at a Boeing factory in South Carolina and a campaign-style rally over the weekend in Florida. He's slated to deliver an address to a joint session of Congress later this month that will give him one of the strongest venues available to project presidential strength.
But Trump's early stumbles have overshadowed some of areas where he could otherwise claim success. Well-choreographed visits from the leaders of Britain, Israel, Canada and Japan followed a host of executive orders that began to dismantle Obamacare and federal regulations and open the way for cross-continental pipelines, as well as Trump's withdrawal from the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal. His unveiling of Neil Gorsuch as his nominee for the open Supreme Court seat was one of the most flawless moments of his presidency.
Still, controversy can develop in unexpected directions in Washington and exhaust a White House staff in a way that can be detrimental to a presidency. Trump is not the first President to come into power with a team that doesn't seem to quite measure up to Washington's demands.
"I think every administration goes through that," Trent Lott, a former Republican Senate Majority leader, said in an interview. "I was here through Carter, when a bunch of Georgians who thought they were the smartest guys in town arrived and they were going to fix everything."
"When (Ronald) Reagan came to town, he brought a bunch of Californians, idealistic ideologues who found out pretty quick that they needed help from Jim Baker," Lott said.
Through trial and error, Clinton and Reagan learned to work the inside game in Washington to advance what were sometimes seen as outsider political aims. But Trump's attempts to fight back against the restrictions all presidents face could be complicated by another factor -- his idiosyncratic character and political style -- which were an undoubted asset when he reinvented the rules of the presidential campaign but have not yet proven effective in governing.
His constant feuds with enemies, sometimes on Twitter, cast doubt on his temperament, as do his unpredictable eruptions and struggles to stop gloating about his election win. His press conference and weekend rallies helped keep his loyal supporters happy and boosted his own morale. But it seems unlikely that he meaningfully advanced his political agenda.
GOP majorities on Capitol Hill should ensure that big ticket issues like tax cuts and Wall Street reform get done and that Trump can bill them as the kind of "wins" he promised would dazzle Washington. And if any politician can get away with such polarizing tactics, it's Trump.
"The President's campaign essentially changed the laws of physics last year," said Bill Lacy, director of the Dole Institute of Politics at the University of Kansas.
"All the so-called experts have been wrong consistently," Lacy said, adding that Trump had changed the way presidents are viewed along with the usual codes of behavior in the White House and Washington. "Traditionally, a President couldn't do that and get away with it. With this president, that remains to be seen."

Buhari is in good spirit

Buhari is in good spirit and will return soon – Saraki

Senate President Dr. Bukola Saraki has assured members of the Senate that President Muhammadu Buhari is hale and hearty and will back in the country very soon, Leadership reports.
Saraki made the disclosure on Tuesday, February 21, while briefing the Senate on the outcome of a recent visit by the leadership of the National Assembly to President Buhari.
Saraki says Buhari is in good spirit and will return soon
Saraki says Buhari is in good spirit and will return soon
After reading pending letters to the Senate from Buhari on the extension of his vacation in London, acting President Yemi Osinbajo requesting the confirmation of Justice Walter Onnoghen as the substantive Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), and the nomination of an additional ambassadorial nominee, Saraki said President Buhari is in good spirit.
He said: “Further to the correspondence from Mr. President, let me also use this opportunity to brief my colleagues on the visit I led a delegation of myself, the Honourable Speaker and the Majority Leader to visit Mr President Buhari on Wednesday 15th of February to convey the greetings and best wishes of the National Assembly and I am happy to report that we met the President in good spirit, in good health, chatty as usual and convey his best wishes and hopes to be back very soon.”
President Buhari left Nigeria for London on annual vacation January 19, with a promise to return on February 6. He also noted that he would see his doctors while there and handed over power to Vice President Yemi Osinbajo.
But on February 5, a day before he was due to return, the president sent another letter to the National Assembly, informing lawmakers of his intention to extend the trip until his doctors complete ‘a cycle’ of medical examination on him.
The prolonged absence got many Nigerians worried and triggered speculation that the president is bedridden.
But photos of the president with a former Interim National Chairman of the ruling All Progressives Congress, Chief Bisi Akande and the party’s national leader, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu in London on Thursday, February 9, silenced speculators.


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