Sunday 5 February 2017

local fashion

SLAY OR HMMM Slay Or Hmmm – Will You Rock Rita Dominic’s Kates Pants? ByDayo OdubanjoPublished on February 1, 2017 SHARE TWEET COMMENT 0 inShare Rita Dominic stepped out for an event in this incredibly elegant ensemble. The fashion icon paired a white detailed blouse with a pair of Kates Pants (A pants and skirt hybrid). She completed her look with peach high heels and a clutch purse with fringe details.

Read Also: The Different Pair Of Pants Women Should Have In Their Closets Kates Pants are designed by Nollywood Actress, Kate Henshaw. Slay Or Hmmm - Will You Rock Rita Dominic's Kates Pants? Yes, I love it No, not feeling it Hmmm, not decided View Results

Read more at: http://fashionpheeva.com/slay-hmmm-will-rock-rita-dominics-kates-pants/

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Read more at: http://fashionpheeva.com/slay-hmmm-will-rock-rita-dominics-kates-pants/


Pakistan could be included in immigration ban list in future: White House

WASHINGTON: There is a possibility in the future of including Pakistan

There is a possibility in the future of including Pakistan in the list of countries from where immigration has been banned, a top White House official indicated on Sunday, acknowledging for the first time that Pakistan was under consideration to be put in that category.

"The reason we chose those seven countries was, those were the seven countries that both the Congress and the Obama administration identified as being the seven countries that were most identifiable with dangerous terrorism+ taking place in their country," White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, told CBS News.

Trump has issued a controversial executive order banning immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries -- Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Syria and Somalia.

"Now, you can point to other countries that have similar problems, like Pakistan and others. Perhaps we need to take it further. But for now, immediate steps, pulling the Band-Aid off, is to do further vetting for people traveling in and out of those countries," Priebus said.

This is for the first time that the Trump Administration has publicly acknowledged about considering putting Pakistan into that list.

Currently as per the executive order, visitors from countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan are subject to extreme vetting.

Priebus said the executive orders were signed after a lot of planning.

"We're not going to advertise to the world that we're going to put a stop or at least a further vetting on travel in and out of our country from these seven places," he said.

"Some people have suggested, that, well, maybe we should have given everyone a three-day warning. But that would just mean that a terrorist would just move up their travel plans by three days. Identifying too many people in these countries and giving them a heads-up in these countries would only potentially flag the executive order for bad order," Priebus said.

"The President has a call with leadership in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and other countries around world. And I'm sure this topic may come up," he said.

Priebus asserted that Americans have to be protected first.

"These are countries that harbour and train terrorists. These are countries that we want to know who is coming and going in and out of to prevent calamities from happening in this country," he said.

"We're not willing to be wrong on this subject. President Trump is not willing to take chances on this subject. He was elected president in many respects because people knew that he was going to be tough on immigration from countries that harbour terrorists," Priebus said.

"I can't imagine too many people out there watching this right now think it's unreasonable to ask a few more questions from someone traveling in and out of Libya and Yemen before being let loose in the United States. And that's all this is," he saidUS president Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump attend the 60th Annual Red Cross Gala at Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida. Photograph: Carlos Barria/Reuters

US president Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump attend the 60th Annual Red Cross Gala at Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida. Photograph: Carlos Barria/Reuters

US president Donald Trump has lost an appeal against a court ruling blocking his travel ban on certain travellers and all refugees.

The 9th US circuit court of appeals in San Francisco instead asked both the state of Washington and the Trump administration early on Sunday to file more arguments by Monday afternoon.

The Trump administration had launched an appeal againt a federal judge’s ruling that temporarily placed the ban on hold. The higher court’s denial of an immediate stay means legal battles over the ban will continue into the coming week at least.

Acting solicitor general Noel Francisco forcefully argued in the government’s brief on Saturday night that presidential authority is “largely immune from judicial control” when it comes to deciding who can enter or stay in the United States.

Mr Trump acted after a judge in Washington state temporarily blocked his refugee and immigration ban, involving seven Muslim-majority countries in an extraordinary setback for the White House.

It was forced to suspend enforcement of the ban, and Mr Trump launched a series of vitriolic attacks on US district judge James Robart.

The president told reporters, when asked about the appeal: “We’ll win. For the safety of the country, we’ll win.”

The US justice department’s appeal said it is a basic principle that “an alien seeking initial admission to the United States requests a privilege and has no constitutional rights regarding his application”.

The US justice department asked that the judge’s order be stayed pending appeal.

As the White House worked to reinstate the ban, Mr Trump mocked Judge Robart, appointed by former US president George Bush, on Twitter as a “so-called judge” whose “ridiculous” ruling “will be overturned”.

He added in a subsequent tweet: “Because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country. A terrible decision.”

international Education




January 30, 2017

Students today have grown up in a world where the 27-year television juggernaut The Simpsons has always existed, and the show provides a nearly endless array of examples of economic principles in action. In 2016, Italy-based Atlas Network partner Istituto Bruno Leoni (IBL) translated the book Homer Economicus: The Simpsons and Economics into Italian, and the organization is now crowdfunding a project to send copies to economics teachers in 360 Italian high schools.

“Teaching economics to high school students is not an easy task,” explains Nicola Iannello, an IBL fellow. “Sometimes this discipline seems too technical, too ‘cold.’ We've therefore decided to try teaching it with this book, edited by American economists who try to explain basic economic principles with the help of The Simpsons.”

Homer Economicus, edited by economist Joshua Hall and featuring contributions from 22 other academic economists, uses vivid and humorous vignettes from The Simpsons to illustrate principles of scarcity, choice, opportunity cost, efficiency, resource allocation, comparative advantage, division of labor, supply and demand, gains from trade, wealth creation, and much more.

“The Simpsons is an incredibly successful TV show,” says Rosamaria Bitetti, an IBL fellow. “It is still on air after more than 20 seasons, and it portrays every single aspect of the economic life of this average American family. It is part of our popular culture, and something students can easily relate to, mostly because the book makes it easier to understand economics by avoiding the use of abstract models.”

Hosted on the WithYouWeDo crowdfunding platform, IBL’s campaign to fund distribution of Homer Economicus to high school economics teachers has already raised €2,772 of its modest €5,000 goal, as of Jan. 31. The project can accept donations from major credit cards like Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, as well as PayPal.

“Homer Economicus is particularly good at entertaining and amusing people,” says Armando Massarenti, editor for the daily Italian business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. “Of course, it’s not quite the same as watching an episode of The Simpsons. But it's nevertheless extremely energetic. And it is a very useful tool for teaching some of the underlying principles of economics.”

Find out more about: Istituto Bruno Leoni



Zlatan Ibrahimovic
 Neapolitan fancy? Is Zlatan Ibrahimovic angling for a Napoli move? Photograph: Jason Cairnduff/Reuters

Thursday 2 February 2017 09.32 GMT
Last modified on Thursday 2 February 2017 09.34 GMT

Miracle Man José Mourinho is doing miraculous work at Manchester United at the moment, somehow keeping them in a heroic sixth place despite not being allowed to spend any money last summer and despite referees being out to get him and despite him hearing a strange clicking sound every time he uses his phone and despite a strange luminous night appearing outside his bedroom window every night.

Against all the odds, he muddles on. Not to fear, though, because at long last the purse strings at Old Trafford are about to be loosened and Mourinho’s going to be rewarded for his patience with £85m in shopping money, all of which will go on Atlético Madrid’s Antoine Griezmann. The era of austerity is over! Now you’ll see the real Manchester United! Just watch José go now!

Manchester Unit

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, on the other hand, is in love with Naples. So says his Mr 12%, Mino Raiola, who reckons that the Big Swede’s Neapolitan fancy could see him reject United’s offer of a contract extension and join Napoli for one last assault on Serie A. “With Zlatan you never know what could happen,” Raiola said.

Well, unless it’s a big game in the Champions League.

Peter Crouch scored his 100th Premier League goal last night, but still we await interest from China in the Stoke City striker. Instead Tianjin Quanjin, rebuffed in their attempt to sign Diego Costa, want to splurge £32m on West Bromwich Albion’s Salomón Rondón. West Brom say he’s not for sale, but the Chinese transfer window shuts at the end of this month, their Jim White needs something to sink his teeth into and a bigger offer could be on the way.

Chelsea are already making plans for the summer. Antonio Conte’s going to be handed a cool £100m, which will go on Southampton’s Virgil van Dijk, Celtic’s Moussa Dembélé and Real Madrid’s Álvaro Morata. Meanwhile Brendan Rodgers is hopeful that Celtic goalkeeper Craig Gordon will sign a new contract.

Mamadou Sakho to Crystal Palace? | Kieran Tierney to Sunderland? | Four-way fight for Scott Hogan? |
 Is Yannick Carrasco sniffing the opportunity to swap Diego Simeone’s tough Atlético Madrid regime for the riches of Manchester United? Photograph: Eloy Alonso/Reuters

Tuesday 31 January 2017 09.20 GMT
Last modified on Tuesday 31 January 2017 09.22 GMT

Spare a thought today for the agents. For some of them this is a day of excruciating pressure that they must shrug off to prove their worth. It’s like their A-Levels, their driving test, their Olympic final and their first court appearance on serious fraud charges all rolled into one. It’s the last opportunity for months for the less fortunate of them to wangle a transfer and a pay rise for a client who has been performing like an absolute galoot. If they fail, they could be sacked. It’s a cut-throat business and today is their last chance to procure a neck brace. Pray for them.

Of course, there are plenty of agents who don’t need your pity because pretty much all they have to do today is keep answering their phones with two words: “How much?” It looks like being a pleasant day for whoever fields Scott Hogan’s calls, for instance. Word is the Brentford striker’s valet can expect to hear from West Ham, Crystal Palace, Aston Villa and West Brom, at least.

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West Brom are also plotting a move for Southampton striker Jay Rodriguez now that the Saints are close to wrapping up a deal for a new predator, Manolo Gabbiadini.

Meanwhile, Manchester United’s ears have pricked up to news that Yannick Carrasco is unhappy at Atlético Madrid and could be open to a move away from manager Diego Simeone, in particular. He’s no Antoine Griezmann but Carrasco is a nifty forward all the same and United like the cut of his jib. So do Chelsea.

With Celtic basically certain of winning the Scottish title David Moyes hopes to be able to persuade the side’s fine young full-back Kieran Tierney to move to another club whose destiny looks sealed already. But Ronald Koeman has told Moyes that Phil Jagielka will not be going to Sunderland even if Everton manage to cajole Burnley into selling Michael Keane, because Koeman wants to have his centre-back cake and eat it, so to speak.

Hull are about to draft in the Internazionale centre-back Andrea Ranocchia to assist with their great escape act.

Speaking of great escapes, the Mill doesn’t know whether Ross McCormack managed to extricate himself from his own country estate this morning. Wherever he is, there are no reports of Fulham or anyone else rushing to his aid. For all the Mill knows he could be marooned forever in Steve Bruce’s bad books. But we’d very much like to eavesdrop on his attempt to talk his way out, given how entertaining his last explanation was.

Ashley Westwood, by contrast, could be on his way out of Villa, as Burnley like the look of him.

Finally, Liverpool’s folk-hero-turned-forgotten-man, Mamadou Sakho, could be brought back on to the straight and narrow by Big Sam, of all people. That’s one of many deals Crystal Palace hope to do today.

Thursday 2 February 2017 09.32 GMTLast modified on Thursday 2 February 2017 09.34 GMT

Miracle Man José Mourinho is doing miraculous work at Manchester United at the moment, somehow keeping them in a heroic sixth place despite not being allowed to spend any money last summer and despite referees being out to get him and despite him hearing a strange clicking sound every time he uses his phone and despite a strange luminous night appearing outside his bedroom window every night.

Against all the odds, he muddles on. Not to fear, though, because at long last the purse strings at Old Trafford are about to be loosened and Mourinho’s going to be rewarded for his patience with £85m in shopping money, all of which will go on Atlético Madrid’s Antoine Griezmann. The era of austerity is over! Now you’ll see the real Manchester United! Just watch José go now!

Manchester Unit

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, on the other hand, is in love with Naples. So says his Mr 12%, Mino Raiola, who reckons that the Big Swede’s Neapolitan fancy could see him reject United’s offer of a contract extension and join Napoli for one last assault on Serie A. “With Zlatan you never know what could happen,” Raiola said.

Well, unless it’s a big game in the Champions League.

Peter Crouch scored his 100th Premier League goal last night, but still we await interest from China in the Stoke City striker. Instead Tianjin Quanjin, rebuffed in their attempt to sign Diego Costa, want to splurge £32m on West Bromwich Albion’s Salomón Rondón. West Brom say he’s not for sale, but the Chinese transfer window shuts at the end of this month, their Jim White needs something to sink his teeth into and a bigger offer could be on the way.

Chelsea are already making plans for the summer. Antonio Conte’s going to be handed a cool £100m, which will go on Southampton’s Virgil van Dijk, Celtic’s Moussa Dembélé and Real Madrid’s Álvaro Morata. Meanwhile Brendan Rodgers is hopeful that Celtic goalkeeper Craig Gordon will sign a new contract.

Mamadou Sakho to Crystal Palace? | Kieran Tierney to Sunderland? | Four-way fight for Scott Hogan? |
 Is Yannick Carrasco sniffing the opportunity to swap Diego Simeone’s tough Atlético Madrid regime for the riches of Manchester United?

Tuesday 31 January 2017 09.20 GMT
Last modified on Tuesday 31 January 2017 09.22 GMT

pare a thought today for the agents. For some of them this is a day of excruciating pressure that they must shrug off to prove their worth. It’s like their A-Levels, their driving test, their Olympic final and their first court appearance on serious fraud charges all rolled into one. It’s the last opportunity for months for the less fortunate of them to wangle a transfer and a pay rise for a client who has been performing like an absolute galoot. If they fail, they could be sacked. It’s a cut-throat business and today is their last chance to procure a neck brace. Pray for them.

Of course, there are plenty of agents who don’t need your pity because pretty much all they have to do today is keep answering their phones with two words: “How much?” It looks like being a pleasant day for whoever fields Scott Hogan’s calls, for instance. Word is the Brentford striker’s valet can expect to hear from West Ham, Crystal Palace, Aston Villa and West Brom, at least.

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West Brom are also plotting a move for Southampton striker Jay Rodriguez now that the Saints are close to wrapping up a deal for a new predator, Manolo Gabbiadini.

Meanwhile, Manchester United’s ears have pricked up to news that Yannick Carrasco is unhappy at Atlético Madrid and could be open to a move away from manager Diego Simeone, in particular. He’s no Antoine Griezmann but Carrasco is a nifty forward all the same and United like the cut of his jib. So do Chelsea.

With Celtic basically certain of winning the Scottish title David Moyes hopes to be able to persuade the side’s fine young full-back Kieran Tierney to move to another club whose destiny looks sealed already. But Ronald Koeman has told Moyes that Phil Jagielka will not be going to Sunderland even if Everton manage to cajole Burnley into selling Michael Keane, because Koeman wants to have his centre-back cake and eat it, so to speak.

Hull are about to draft in the Internazionale centre-back Andrea Ranocchia to assist with their great escape act.

Speaking of great escapes, the Mill doesn’t know whether Ross McCormack managed to extricate himself from his own country estate this morning. Wherever he is, there are no reports of Fulham or anyone else rushing to his aid. For all the Mill knows he could be marooned forever in Steve Bruce’s bad books. But we’d very much like to eavesdrop on his attempt to talk his way out, given how entertaining his last explanation was.

Ashley Westwood, by contrast, could be on his way out of Villa, as Burnley like the look of him.

Finally, Liverpool’s folk-hero-turned-forgotten-man, Mamadou Sakho, could be brought back on to the straight and narrow by Big Sam, of all people. That’s one of many deals Crystal Palace hope to do today

Paul Pogba has dyed his hair white ahead of United's clash with Hull City

- Wayne Rooney also dyed his hair ahead of the Premier League match

Manchester United star Paul Pogba has unveiled his latest hairdo ahead of his side's Premier League clash with Hull City.

The flashy footballer was seen sporting a bright white barnet on Wednesday morning as he stepped out of the team coach arriving at the Lowry Hotel with his new luminous do.

Paul Pogba dyes his hair white ahead of Hull City clash

Paul Pogba dyed his hair white

This comes hours after being slated by fans and even club legend Rio Ferdinand for practising his latest celebration alongside Jesse Lingard.

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Some of Pogba's previous hairdo include an emoji hairdo and a snake style and a yellow zigzag.

Paul Pogba dyes his hair white ahead of Hull City clash

Is Pogba more interested in his hairdo?

As well as his hair and celebrations, Pogba has also made even more headlines for the wrong reasons recently.

It seems Pogba's influence has worn off on Wayne Rooney as his drastic change in hair colour from Sunday's FA Cup clash - a 4-0 win over Wigan - has forced many to suggest Roo dyes his hair.

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In Wednesday's pictures, the longer, fuller section of hair at the front is significantly darker than the rest of his do.

Paul Pogba dyes his hair white ahead of Hull City clash

Rooney looks to have dyed his hair also

On Sunday, his hair was that length and darker all over, with some suggesting as he's had a trim some of the 'new' colour hasn't quite caught on to the roots.

Paul Pogba dyes his hair white ahead of Hull City clash

The United captain is looking different

Could United players be more interested in their hairstyles than their football?

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